Gaussmeters, flux meters and fluxgate magnetometers are the most widely used magnetic field detection instruments. According to the external size, it can be divided into two categories: hand-held magnetometer and desktop magnetometer, and various detection systems of the entire magnetic measuring equipment are derived.
Magnetic Field Generatro as Elcectromagnet and Helmholtz Coil Field,Maxwell Coil Gradient Magnetic Field ,Various magnetic field devices for new material research, various environmental magnetic fields in the biomedical industry, etc.
Magnetic field testing equipment mainly includes soft magnetic material testing, permanent magnet material testing, high and low temperature and superconducting magnetic field testing system, silicon steel material testing system, magnetic declination testing system and magnetic field surface magnetic distribution testing system, VSM equipment, etc.
This section mainly contains various precision Hall sensors, magnetic flux detection coils, Helmholtz coils, and various specifications of magnetization and demagnetization fixtures.